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Turn off annoying notifications in Windows 10

08.11.2018 (๐Ÿ‘3325)

Turn off annoying notifications


How to turn off in Windows 10 annoying notifications from Google Chrome web pages


A) Switch off via System Settings-> Notification and Actions


In Cortana: Enter notification


Then in the form Windows 10 System Settings-> Notifications and actions all the way down


And further down in the area

Is it possible to completely switch off the notification through Google Chrome websites ...


Or by clicking on the Google Chrome element

Make more detailed settings


Here you can also see the detail settings

Display notifications in the info center (bottom right) -> switch off

When sound is received, play sound -> also turn off.


B) Turn off the individual web pages


You can also just turn off the notification by individual websites.

To do this, click on the notification and then on the website: top left before https: ... switch to notification of Allow -> open-> block

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