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Excel Icons

12.01.2019 (๐Ÿ‘9164)

Excel Icons


A list of internal names for Microsoft Excel icons:



C:\2007 Office System Developer Resources\2007OfficeIconsGallery






Download from Microsoft

You can download the compressed file here at Microsoft Downloads as a typed version




The Office Icon Gallery appears on the Developer Tab when this document is open. 

The Developer Tab can be enabled from Excel Options > Popular.


Use these icons in your Ribbon solutions by specifying the imageMso value for your controls.    

          For example, <button id="myButton" label="My save" imageMso="FileSave" /> creates a button with the Save icon.





Excel Icons Gallery 1


Excel Icons Gallery 2


Excel Icons Gallery 3


Excel Icons Gallery 3


Excel Icons Gallery 4


Excel Icons Gallery 5


Excel Icons Gallery 6


Excel Icons Gallery 7


Excel Icons Gallery 8


Excel Icons Gallery 9



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