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Word: Insert a line break at the end of a line and then insert text or a table

12.11.2018 (👁14919)



At the end of a certain line of text a line break should be inserted and then a table should be inserted



Word C #, vba:

                    sLine.End= sLine.Start+sText.Length;







                    Range newRange = _app.Selection.Range;


                    Word.Table newTable = _doc.Tables.Add( newRange ,NumRows:1,NumColumns: 2);




Here a table will be inserted after the text line Imagery: a blank line and then an empty table


In Word as Ribbonbar project:

Under Ribbon1.cs

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon;


//----< using >----

//using Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon;        //*word ribbon

using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; //*word document

using System.Windows.Forms;                 //*word OpenfileDialog

using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;       //*lock ratio width height

using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

//----</ using >----


namespace Addin_Word_Photos_into_Table


    public partial class Ribbon1


        //< init >

        Document _doc = null;

        Word.Application _app = null;

        //</ init >


        #region Region: Ribbonbar

        //===================< RibbonBar >===================

        private void Ribbon1_Load(object sender, RibbonUIEventArgs e)


            //tbxPhotos_Tablename.Text = Settings1.Default.Photos_Tablename;            


        //===================</ RibbonBar >===================

        #endregion /Ribbonbar


        #region --Button--

        //===================< Buttons >===================

        private void BtnPhotos_Insert_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)


            _doc = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument;

            _app = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application;


            //< init setup >

            string sInsert_Type = Settings1.Default.Insert_Type;

            string sTargetname = Settings1.Default.Target_Label;

            //</ init setup >


            Word.Table table_Photos;

            if(sInsert_Type.IndexOf("Nach Textzeile") >-1)


                table_Photos = find_Textline_Create_Empty_Table(sTargetname);




                table_Photos = find_Table_with_Header(sTargetname);



            if (table_Photos != null)









        private void btnSetup_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)


            frmSetup frm = new frmSetup();



        //===================</ Buttons >===================

        #endregion /Buttons





        #region --Methods--

        //===================< Methods >===================

        private Word.Table find_Table_with_Header(string sHeader)


            //-----------------< find_Table_with_Header() >-----------------


            //--< find Table Header >--

            //*Loop all tables and look for header

            foreach (Word.Table table in _doc.Tables)


                if (table.Rows.Count > 0)


                    int intColumns_Count = table.Columns.Count;

                    for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= intColumns_Count; iCol++)


                        //----< @Loop: Columns in Table_Header >----

                        Cell cell = null;



                            cell = table.Cell(1, iCol);

                            if (cell.Range.Text.IndexOf(sHeader) == 0)


                                return table;



                        catch (Exception)


                            //< endofcolumns >


                            //</ endofcolumns >


                        //----</ @Loop: Columns in Table_Header >----




            //< check >

            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Tabelle mit Header nicht gefunden. " + Environment.NewLine + 

"gesuchter Header:" + sHeader, "Header nicht gefunden");

            return null;

            //--</ find Table Header >--

            //-----------------</ find_Table_with_Header() >-----------------




        private Word.Table find_Textline_Create_Empty_Table(string sHeader)


            //-----------------< find_Table_with_Header() >-----------------



            //--< find Table Header >--

            //*Loop all tables and look for header

            foreach (Word.Range sLine in _doc.Sentences)


                //-------< Check Sentence >------

                string sText = sLine.Text;


                //< check: Zeilenumbruch >

                int posUmbruch = sText.IndexOf("\r");

                if (posUmbruch>0)

                { sText = sText.Substring(0, posUmbruch); }

                posUmbruch = sText.IndexOf("\n");

                if (posUmbruch > 0)

                { sText = sText.Substring(0, posUmbruch); }

                //</ check: Zeilenumbruch >


                sText = sText.Trim();

                if (sText == sHeader )


                    //----< Line_found >----

                    sLine.End= sLine.Start+sText.Length;







                    Range newRange = _app.Selection.Range;



                    //< init setup >

                    int Columns_Count = Settings1.Default.Columns_Count;

                    //</ init setup >


                    //< create new table >

                    Word.Table newTable = _doc.Tables.Add( newRange ,NumRows:1,NumColumns: Columns_Count);

                    newTable.Range.Font.Name = "Arial";


                    newTable.Range.Font.Bold = 0;

                    newTable.Range.Font.Underline = 0;

                    //</ create new table >


                    //< out >

                    return newTable;

                    //</ out >

                    //----</ Line_found >----


                //-------</ Check Sentence >------


            //< check >

            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Zeile nicht gefunden. " + Environment.NewLine + "gesuchter Header:" + sHeader,

 "Header nicht gefunden");

            return null;

            //--</ find Table Header >--

            //-----------------</ find_Table_with_Header() >-----------------



        private void insert_Photos_at_Table(Word.Table table_Photos)


            //-----------------< insert_Photos_by_TableHeader() >-----------------


            //< init >

            int intColumns_count = table_Photos.Columns.Count;

            //</ init >




            //--< Word-FileDialog >--

            OpenFileDialog fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            fileDialog.Filter = "image files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff";

            fileDialog.Multiselect = true;

            //fileDialog.InitialDirectory = "B:\\2016";

            var result = fileDialog.ShowDialog();

            //--</ Word-FileDialog >--


            //< check >

            //*no file

            if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

            { return; }

            //</ check >


            //< init setup >

            bool With_Filename = Settings1.Default.Show_Filename;

            bool With_Empty_Line = Settings1.Default.With_Empty_Line;

            int Columns_count = Settings1.Default.Columns_Count;

            string sInsert_Type = Settings1.Default.Insert_Type;

            //</ init setup >




            //--< check exits Entries >--



                Row row = table_Photos.Rows.Last;

                if (row.Range.InlineShapes.Count > 0)





            catch (Exception)



            //--</ check exits Entries >--






            //-------< @Loop: Insert all Images >--------

            int iCol = 0;

            foreach (String sfileName in fileDialog.FileNames)


                //------< Loop.Item  >------


                if (iCol > 2)


                    iCol = 1;



                int iRow = table_Photos.Rows.Count;


                Cell cell = table_Photos.Cell(iRow, iCol);

                float image_Width = cell.Width - cell.RightPadding - cell.LeftPadding;

                //< get selection >

                Range act_Image_Range = cell.Range;

                //</ get selection >


                //----< Insert Image  >----

                //< insert picture from Link >

                Word.InlineShape inlineShape = _doc.InlineShapes.AddPicture(sfileName, LinkToFile: true

SaveWithDocument: true, Range: act_Image_Range);

                //</ insert picture from Link >


                //< scale >

                inlineShape.LockAspectRatio = Office.MsoTriState.msoTrue;

                inlineShape.Width = image_Width;

                //</ scale >

                //--< replace as png >--

                //*reduce memory 1 MB to 1kb

                //< cut >



                //</ cut >


                //*pasteBitmap is much smaller

                act_Image_Range.PasteSpecial(Link: false, DataType: Word.WdPasteDataType.wdPasteBitmap, 

Placement: Word.WdOLEPlacement.wdInLine, DisplayAsIcon: false);


                //--</ replace as png >--


                //--< Filename >--

                if (With_Filename)


                    int posFilename = sfileName.LastIndexOf("\\");



                        string sFileName_Short = sfileName.Substring(posFilename+1);


                        _app.Selection.Font.Name = "Arial";

                        _app.Selection.Font.Size = 11;

                        _app.Selection.Font.Bold = 0;

                        _app.Selection.Font.Underline = 0;





                //--</ Filename >--


                //--< Empty_Line >--

                if (With_Empty_Line)





                //--</ Empty_Line >--



            //-------</ @Loop: Insert all Images >--------



            //-----------------</ insert_Photos_at_Table_with_Header() >-----------------



        //===================</ Methods >===================

        #endregion /Methods



