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Get the Word Template in VSTO Addin of a new Document

13.11.2018 (👁9876)

Word Template in VSTO Addin


How to determine the template of a Word document when launching a C # code in debug in Visual Studio



You can only use the associated template with .get_AttachedTemplate (); determine.

Unfortunately, you can only open documents from the Word application and open templates from the Internet when the debug is started.

I could not open a new document1 from my own template.

So here's the code, which still worked.


Solution code

Determine the actual template of a new document in Word

C #, intercom addin

var varTemplate = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.get_AttachedTemplate();

            if (varTemplate != null)


                Word.Template template = (Word.Template)varTemplate;

                sWordPath =template.Path;






string sFilename = Settings1.Default.Excel_Filename;

if (sFilename.IndexOf(":") < 0)


    string sWordPath = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Path;





            var varTemplate = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.get_AttachedTemplate();

            if (varTemplate != null)


                Word.Template template = (Word.Template)varTemplate;

                sWordPath =template.Path;



        catch (Exception )







    sFilename = sWordPath + "\\" + sFilename;
