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async ; await ;

Async and Await loops in C #

02.07.2018 (👁8396)

Async and Await loops in C #


If you program an infinite loop in C #, then you have to install await in the asynchronous method.

These only work if you define the method to call with async Task <>.

Defining the asynchronous method with async void does not wait for true asynchronous operations


Program infinite loop with real await


1) Proper Async / Await setup


Right: with await

This little C # Code example contains a while-infinite loop, which waits for the result of reading a web page.

The call is made asynchronously with the abbreviation: await before the method.

That is, the program and also the debugger wait until the call of the method comes back.

//----< @Loop: Alle Empty Records >----

            while (1==1)


                //----< Detail >----

                if (optStop.IsChecked == truereturn;


                //< find record >

                string sSQL = "SELECT [IDDetail] FROM tbl_Details WHERE [dtScan] IS NULL  LIMIT 1";

                SqliteDataReader dataReader = clsDB.Get_DataReader(sSQL);

                //</ find record >

                if (dataReader.HasRows)



                    await Scrape_Detail_byIDProjekt(Convert.ToInt32(dataReader["IDDetail"]));




                    fx_Log("no record");



            //----</ Detail >----            




Correct sub-method: with task <..>

However, calling the asynchronous method only works if the method has been defined with async Task <returnType>.

Other definitions with async void do not work.

Private async Task<bool> Scrape_Detail_byIDProjekt(int ID)


     //--------< Scrape_Detail() >--------

     if (optStop.IsChecked == truereturn false;


     //fx_Log("--< Read Detail >--");

     fx_Log("Detail=" + ID);


     string sURL = await clsDB.Get_Value_as_String("URL""tbl_Details""[IDDetail]=" + ID);

     HtmlDocument doc = await Web_Get_HtmlDocument(sURL);

     //< check >

     if (doc == null)


         fx_Log("doc is NULL ID" + ID );

         //< update >

         string sql_Error = "UPDATE tbl_Details SET [dtScan] = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE IDDetail = " + ID;  //SYSDATETIME()

         bool bUpdate = await clsDB.Execute_SQL(sql_Error);

         //</ update >

         return false;


     //</ check >






Wrong Async / Await construction

Building the loop without Await causes the debugger to always run in a circle without waiting.

This means that if you set a breakpoint to the method or a line, then the debugger always jumps back to itself or the entry point of the method for the Next-Step into-Next buttons (F10, F11, F5).

Mostly one then thinks of the asynchronous method like sHTML = await httpClient.GetStringAsync (sURL); The system would be wrong, but in reality, you have not built a Wait function itself.

 Not correct:

//----< @Loop: Alle Empty Records >----

while (1 == 1)


    //----< Detail >----

    if (optStop.IsChecked == truereturn;


    //< find record >

    string sSQL = "SELECT [IDDetail] FROM tbl_Details WHERE [dtScan] IS NULL  LIMIT 1";

    SqliteDataReader dataReader= clsDB.Get_DataReader(sSQL);

    //</ find record >

    if (dataReader.HasRows )









    //----</ Detail >----


//----</ @Loop: Alle Empty Records >----



And wrong sub-method with void

At the breakpoint, use the method sHTML = await httpClient.GetStringAsync (sURL); the debugger always jumps out of the method.
You have to make sure that you do not declare async void but asyn Task <bool>

private async void Scrape_Detail_byIDProjekt(int ID)


            //--------< Scrape_Detail() >--------

            if (optStop.IsChecked == truereturn;


            //fx_Log("--< Read Detail >--");

            fx_Log("Detail=" + ID);


            string sURL = await clsDB.Get_Value_as_String("URL""tbl_Details""[IDDetail]=" + ID);

            HtmlDocument doc = await Web_Get_HtmlDocument(sURL);

            //< check >

            if (doc == null)


                //< update >

                string sql_Error = "UPDATE tbl_Details SET [dtScan] = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE IDDetail = " + ID;  //SYSDATETIME()

                bool bUpdate=await clsDB.Execute_SQL(sql_Error);

                //</ update >



            //</ check >

