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Send data from Windows 10 to Web API.

03.07.2018 (👁25742)


This code example shows how to attach data from a local Windows 10 client to an Asp.Net Core Web Api web server

A local Windows 10 UWP application sends data as a json format to the web api interface of the web server. There, the data is added to the SQL database

Shown is the HttpPost method for creating new data.



The client does the following:

Load data from SQlite local database and transfer it to Json. Then with a HttpClient and HttpPost send to the web server


The server does the following:

Under the HttpPost method, he takes over the request and loads the data from the request body. The data is transferred from Json to a record and stored.


Example code

Code in C #

Client = UWP App application in Windows 10

Server = Asp.Net Core MVC Api


Json, HttpPut, REST, Web Api, Sqlite, and SQL Server



API client

UWP client

SQLite, Json



    HttpClient client = await Create_HttpClient_with_UserToken();

            string IDDetail = "123abc";

            //< read webApi >

            //*httpPut /api/projects

            string sUrl_Api_Create = app_settings._Api_Server + "/api/projects";

            HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = null;



                //< create Upload_Content >

                JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();

                jsonObject["IDDetail"] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(IDDetail);

                jsonObject["Title"] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue("this is a Title");

                StringContent string_to_Upload_Content = new StringContent(jsonObject.Stringify());

                //</ create Upload_Content >


                //< upload >


                httpResponseMessage = await client.PostAsync(sUrl_Api_Create, string_to_Upload_Content );

                //</ upload >




Screenshot when sending the data

Shows: The data is inserted from the SQLite database into the Json Object and sent


Web Server

Asp.Net Core Web API



//HttpPost URL=/api/projects  

//*Post=Create, Put=Update


public async Task<ActionResult> Create()


    //-------------< Create() >------------- 


    //--< Read UploadData >--

    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body);

    JObject jsonData = JObject.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd());

    string IDDetail = jsonData.GetValue("IDDetail").ToString();

    string sTitle = jsonData.GetValue("Title").ToString();

    //--</ Read UploadData >--



    //< Create Data >

    ProjectModel project = new ProjectModel();


    project.IDOwner = IDCurrent_User;

    project.Title = sTitle;

    project.DtCreated = DateTime.Now;


    //</ Create Data >



    //< add recordset >


    await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(true);

    //</ add recordset >


    //< out >

    //*output to client

    return Ok();

    //</ out >

    //-------------</ Create() >------------- 





ScreenShot on the web server Webapi when the data arrives.

The screenshot of the debugger shows that the data from the Request.Body can be read in a Json-Object and read there via key-pair



Complete code

Example, C #


Complete code of the transmission method in UWP

private async Task<bool> Api_Add_Projects()


    //--------< Api_Add_Projects() >--------

    if (optStop.IsChecked == truereturn false;

    fx_Log("--< API:Api_Add_Projects >--");


    //---------------< read_API_Data() >---------------


    HttpClient client = await Create_HttpClient_with_UserToken();


    //----< Check_to_local >----

    //< find record >

    string sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Details WHERE [IDProject_on_Server] IS NULL";

    SqliteDataReader dataReader = clsDB.Get_DataReader(sSQL);

    if (dataReader.HasRows == true)


        while (dataReader.Read())


            //---< NoMatch: Delete on Server >---

            string IDDetail = dataReader["IDDetail"].ToString();

            fx_Log("add Project IDDetail:" + IDDetail);

            //</ nomatch >


            //< read webApi >

            //*httpPut /api/projects

            string sUrl_Api_Create = app_settings._Api_Server + "/api/projects";

            HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = null;



                //< create Upload_Content >

                JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();

                jsonObject["IDDetail"] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(IDDetail);

                jsonObject["Title"] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue("this is a Title");

                StringContent string_to_Upload_Content = new StringContent(jsonObject.Stringify());

                //</ create Upload_Content >


                //< upload >


                httpResponseMessage = await client.PostAsync(sUrl_Api_Create, string_to_Upload_Content );

                //</ upload >


                //< result >

                var NewID = httpResponseMessage.Content.ToString();

                //</ result >


                fx_Log("ok.Created ");


            catch (Exception ex)



                fx_Log("Error Delete byWebsite: " + ex.Message);



            //</ read webApi >

            //---</ NoMatch: Delete on Server >---




    //----</ @Loop: Projects_on_Server >----

    //----</ get Projects-List >----

    //---------------</ read_API_Data() >---------------




    fx_Log("--</ API:Api_Add_Projects >--");



    return true;


    //--------</ Api_Add_Projects() >--------





Complete code of the web API interface on the server



//HttpPost URL=/api/projects  

//*Post=Create, Put=Update


public async Task<ActionResult> Create()


    //-------------< Create() >------------- 

    //< get UserClaim Info >

    //*get User from Token

    var userClaim_in_Token = HttpContext.User.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == ClaimsIdentity.DefaultNameClaimType).FirstOrDefault(); //User as Name

    if (userClaim_in_Token == null)


        return null;


    string sEmail = userClaim_in_Token.Value;

    //</ get UserClaim Info >


    //< check user >

    long IDCurrent_User = await Get_UserID(sEmail);

    //</ check user >


    //--< Read UploadData >--

    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body);

    JObject jsonData = JObject.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd());

    string IDDetail = jsonData.GetValue("IDDetail").ToString();

    string sTitle = jsonData.GetValue("Title").ToString();

    //--</ Read UploadData >--



    //< Create Data >

    ProjectModel project = new ProjectModel();


    project.IDOwner = IDCurrent_User;

    project.Title = sTitle;

    project.DtCreated = DateTime.Now;

    //</ Create Data >



    //< add recordset >


    //</ add recordset >


    //< save sqlserver >

    await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(true);

    //</ save sqlserver >


    //< out >

    //*output to client

    return Ok();

    //</ out >

    //-------------</ Create() >------------- 
