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Asp core redirect http to https and www. To directly domain host

19.04.2018 (👁17000)

This article describes how to redirect the addresses from http: // to https: // in an Asp.Net Core MVC project and additionally to move the domain from

to without www. redirects.

All elements such as the website and pictures and videos embedded are redirected to a URL-> Redirect with

(in the example)


In the Asp.Net Core versions prior to 2.1 you have to insert a code block into the file Startup.cs of the Asp project.

The code block can be inserted in the area Startup.cs-> Configure.



File in Asp.Net Core

In the Startup.cs file of the AspNet Core

Core 1 and 2, version: aspNetCore 2.0


Redirect with Redirect

At runtime, all elements in a web page are checked and examined for the domain, the subpath in the domain and any querystring parameters.

Once the URL of the website is not https or a leading www. contains the path of the element is redirected to https: // and redirected with Response.Redirect (https-url).



Startup.cs code in the block Configure

Redirection www. and http:

You have to insert this block into the startup.cs file in the area Configure (...)

            //----< redirect http to https >----

            //* with aspnetcore 2.0

            app.Use(async (context, next) =>


                //*check the website-content and all elements like images

                string sHost = context.Request.Host.HasValue == true ? context.Request.Host.Value : ""//domain without :80 port .ToString();

                sHost = sHost.ToLower();

                string sPath = context.Request.Path.HasValue==true? context.Request.Path.Value:"";

                string sQuerystring = context.Request.QueryString.HasValue == true ? context.Request.QueryString.Value : "";

                //----< check https >----

                // check if the request is *not* using the HTTPS scheme

                if (!context.Request.IsHttps)


                    //--< is http >--

                    string new_https_Url = "https://" + sHost ;

                    if (sPath != "")


                        new_https_Url = new_https_Url + sPath;


                    if (sQuerystring != "")


                        new_https_Url = new_https_Url +  sQuerystring;





                    //--</ is http >--


                //----</ check https >----

                //----< check www >----

                if (sHost.IndexOf("www.")==0)


                    //--< is www. >--

                    string new_Url_without_www = "https://" + sHost.Replace("www.","") ;

                    if (sPath != "")


                        new_Url_without_www = new_Url_without_www + sPath;


                    if (sQuerystring != "")


                        new_Url_without_www = new_Url_without_www + sQuerystring;




                    //--</ is http >--


                //----</ check www >----

                //also check images inside the content

                await next();


            //----< redirect http to https >----



Effect in the browser

All URL elements such as the file and the images of the page are redirected.


Examples of redirection with http and www.


Redirect from http: // to https: //



Redirection from www. to the domain without leading www.


Complete core 2 Startup.cs

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

using Readdy.Data;

using Readdy.Models;

using Readdy.Services;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite;

namespace Readdy


    public class Startup


        public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)


            Configuration = configuration;


        public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


            //-----------< ConfigureServices()  >-----------

            services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>


            services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>(config =>


                //< send Register Email >

                //*prevents registered users from logging in until their email is confirmed.

                config.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail = true;               

                //</ send Register Email >




            // Add application services.

            services.AddTransient<IEmailSender, EmailSender>();

            var optRewrite = new RewriteOptions()


            //--< rewrite http to https >--

            //*with aspnetcore 2.1

            ////*rewrite http: to https: in aspnetcore 2.1

            //services.AddHttpsRedirection(options =>


            //    options.RedirectStatusCode = StatusCodes.Status301MovedPermanently;

            //    options.HttpsPort = 5001;


            //--</ rewrite http to https >--


            //*init sql-server direct

            Database.SQL_Database.cn_String = Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");

            //-----------</ ConfigureServices() >-----------


        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.

        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)


            //-----------< Configure() >-----------

            if (env.IsDevelopment())










            //app.UseHttpsRedirection();  //*rewrite http: to https: in aspnetcore 2.1

            //----< redirect http to https >----

            //* with aspnetcore 2.0

            app.Use(async (context, next) =>


                //*check the website-content and all elements like images

                string sHost = context.Request.Host.HasValue == true ? context.Request.Host.Value : ""//domain without :80 port .ToString();

                sHost = sHost.ToLower();

                string sPath = context.Request.Path.HasValue==true? context.Request.Path.Value:"";

                string sQuerystring = context.Request.QueryString.HasValue == true ? context.Request.QueryString.Value : "";

                //----< check https >----

                // check if the request is *not* using the HTTPS scheme

                if (!context.Request.IsHttps)


                    //--< is http >--

                    string new_https_Url = "https://" + sHost ;

                    if (sPath != "")


                        new_https_Url = new_https_Url + sPath;


                    if (sQuerystring != "")


                        new_https_Url = new_https_Url +  sQuerystring;





                    //--</ is http >--


                //----</ check https >----

                //----< check www >----

                if (sHost.IndexOf("www.")==0)


                    //--< is www. >--

                    string new_Url_without_www = "https://" + sHost.Replace("www.","") ;

                    if (sPath != "")


                        new_Url_without_www = new_Url_without_www + sPath;


                    if (sQuerystring != "")


                        new_Url_without_www = new_Url_without_www + sQuerystring;




                    //--</ is http >--


                //----</ check www >----

                //also check images inside the content

                await next();


            //----< redirect http to https >----



            app.UseMvc(routes =>



                //    name: "area",

                //    template: "{area:exists}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");


                //    name: "demo_05",

                //    template: "{area=demo_05}/{controller=Demo}/{action=demo_start}");


                //    name: "debug_user",

                //    template: "{controller=User}/{action=Edit_Profile}");


                //    name: "debug_edit",

                //    template: "{controller=Notes}/{action=Edit}/{id=11}");

                //--< Emoticons >--


                   name: "🏠",

                   template: "🏠",

                   defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }



                name: "📢",

                template: "📢",

                defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }



                   name: "📜",

                   template: "📜",

                   defaults: new { controller = "Notes", action = "Index_all" }


                //--</ Emoticons >--


                   name: "Notes", // Route name

                   template: "Notes", // URL with parameters

                   defaults: new { controller = "Notes", action = "Index_all" }



                    name: "default",

                    template: "{controller=Notes}/{action=Index_all}/{id?}");



            //seed dbContext


            //-----------</ Configure()  >-----------


