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VSTO Word Addin: edit and delete a button

24.07.2018 (👁8776)


This code example shows how to find a button in Microsoft Word in a VSTO Addin and delete it at runtime


A VSTO addin is an Office add-in in Word, Excel, Powerpoint or Outlook, which is created in Visual Studio and can be loaded in the Office application as a COM add-in

C # buttons


In the example application, the button is deleted via the menu bar / Ribbonbar as soon as you want to insert photos.


The macro was built in as a subitem in a VSTO Addin for Word.


At runtime, the macro examines all inline shapes. These are photos but also embedded objects like form buttons or graphics.

If the object corresponds to a Forms.CommandButton, it will be checked for the title and deleted if necessary.



//----< delete button >----

//*delete Photo Button

foreach(Word.InlineShape inlineShape in doc.InlineShapes )


    //--< InlineShape >--

    if(inlineShape.Type== Word.WdInlineShapeType.wdInlineShapeOLEControlObject)


        if(inlineShape.OLEFormat.ClassType.ToString()== "Forms.CommandButton.1")


            //--< Button >--

            var objButton = inlineShape.OLEFormat.Object;

            string sTitle=objButton.Caption;


            if (sTitle.IndexOf("Fotos") > -1)


                //< Delete >

                inlineShape.ScaleWidth = 1;


                //</ Delete >




            //--</ Button >--



        MessageBox.Show("Word Button");


    //--</ InlineShape >--


//----</ delete button >----




The macro as Word Addin is available for download in my Office Portal.