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Word Addin: Subject: Word addin for inserting images into a table

22.10.2018 (👁6485)


As Word 10 App, Word Ribbonbar add-in (COM)

Installation vstop via setup.exe


Installation .zip setup.exe

Installation is via the .zip file with a setup.exe. The setup.exe installs the Word app, so that the tab: Add-in is then visible under the Word menu bar-> Ribbonbar.

The zip file can be checked under


To run

Insert pictures.

Simply click on the Word tab: Add-Ins and then on the button: Insert photos

The add-in then inserts the photos in the table with the header: Image documentation.

You can determine the header yourself in the Ribbonbar in the field: Images Table: Enter image documentation

choose pictures

In the following dialog you can select the photos to be inserted.

If photos are not visible, you can switch from table to view: extra large in the upper right corner of the dialog and then get the image preview in the selection window.


Position of the photos

The picture photos are automatically inserted in the cells of the photo table.

Then you can simply enter text below the photos or above.


The add-in can be switched off again under Menu-> Developer Tools-> COM Add-Ins.