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gulp ; serve ;

Gulp Serve: Task 'server' is not in your gulpfile

30.10.2019 (👁7492)

Gulp Serve: Task 'server' is not in your gulpfile


Gulp Server ist falsch geschrieben, der Befehl lautet serve  ohne r  also: gulp serve


Mit dem Windows PowerShell Befehl gulp serve wird die lokale SharePoint Entwicklung eines SharePoint Webparts auf die Zielplattform übertragen und kann dort im Browser mit dem Debugger ausgewertet werden

PS C:\_Daten\Desktop\VS_Projects\Sharepoint\AWBB\WebPartEdit> gulp server

Build target: DEBUG

[09:47:44] Using gulpfile C:\_Daten\Desktop\VS_Projects\Sharepoint\AWBB\WebPartEdit\gulpfile.js

[09:47:44] Task 'server' is not in your gulpfile

[09:47:44] Please check the documentation for proper gulpfile formatting

[09:47:44] Task 'server' is not in your gulpfile

[09:47:44] Please check the documentation for proper gulpfile formatting

About to exit with code: 1

Process terminated before summary could be written, possible error in async code not continuing!

Trying to exit with exit code 1

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