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✅ Solved: Asp.Net Core Controller does not trigger ID auf

26.02.2021 (👁21423)



With Asp.Net corein the controller on an HttpPut and HttpPost method, never the /id ID of the calling URL


const response = await fetch('api/articles/33' , requestOptions); //*SEND DATA

const data = await response.json();


In the Asp.Net core controller ma n seesthat the id as the first parameter here with int IDArticle is not found or not resolved from the URL



✅ solution:


You MUST name the first parameter with  id,  as in the HttpPut argument  [HttpPut("id")]


// PUT: api/tbl_Articles/5 ==============




        public async Task<ActionResult<ApiArticleModel>> PutArticle(int id, ApiArticleModel apiArticle)


            int IDArticle = id;

            var test = Request.Path;

            // -------------< Edit_Postback() > -------------

            if (IDArticle != apiArticle.IDArticle)


                return BadRequest();



Alternatively, you can also adjust the filter term in the controller argument


        // PUT: api/tbl_Articles/5 ==============




        public async Task<ActionResult<ApiArticleModel>> PutArticle(int IDArticle, ApiArticleModel apiArticle)


            //int IDArticle = id;

            var test = Request.Path;

            // -------------< Edit_Postback() > -------------

            if (IDArticle != apiArticle.IDArticle)


                return BadRequest();



In Debug Mode in the Asp.Net Core Controller



Code documentation:



1.               Router Resolution UseEndpoints in Asp.Net Core 5 for Web API Controller


            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>



                name: "api",

                pattern: "/{controller}/{id?}");


                //    name: "default",

                //    pattern: "{controller}/{action=Index}/{id?}");





Edit.js (React Client File)

1.               Calling the PUT method zto store data in the Asp.Net Core API Controller

Api call even with fixed URL as controller and ID: 'api/articles/58'


   async send_Data_to_Api() {


        const requestOptions = {

            method: 'PUT',

            headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

            body: JSON.stringify(


                    idarticle: this.state.idarticle,

                    iduser: this.state.iduser,

                    title: this.state.title,

                    textcontent: this.state.textContent,

                    htmlcontent: this.state.htmlContent,

                    folder: this.state.folder,

                    keywords: this.state.keywords,




        const response = await fetch('api/articles/58' , requestOptions); //*SEND DATA

        const data = await response.json();


            idarticle: data.idArticle,

            iduser: data.idUser,

            title: data.title,

            textcontent: data.textContent,

            htmlcontent: data.htmlContent,

            folder: data.folder,

            keywords: data.keywords,

            nimages: data.nImages,

            nvideos: data.nVideos,

            nfiles: data.nFiles,

            dtcreated: data.dtCreated,

            dtedit: data.dtEdit,

            loading: false,

            status: "data is send"


        alert('Data are send');
