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Anzeigen von HTML-Code in Angular

15.02.2023 (👁7973)

Anzeigen von HTML-Code in Angular

Wie kann man HTML Code in einer Webseite anzeigen?

Hierzu muss man in einem <div Tag > den innterHTML zuweisen..

<div  [innerHTML]="[[article.html]]"></div>

Ein Bild, das Text enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Angular html COmponente


<div *ngIf="article">


    <p>read article: {{guidarticle}}</p>


        <h1>Title: {{article.title}}</h1>

        <div  [innerHTML]="[[article.html]]"></div>


        <div><a href="/edit/{{guidarticle}}" title="edit" class="link_item">edit</a>




Zur Ergänzung die compontent.ts

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

import { merge, of as observableOf } from 'rxjs';

import { catchError, startWith, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';


import { ArticleReadModel } from '../../../models/articlereadmodel'

import { ArticlesService } from '../../../services/articles.service'


  selector: 'app-read-article',

  templateUrl: './read-article.component.html',

  styleUrls: ['./read-article.component.css']



export class ReadArticleComponent implements OnInit {

  //--------< Export_Component >-------


    public dataService: ArticlesService,

    private route: ActivatedRoute,  //*get ID

    private titleService: Title,     //*set page title

  ) { }


  //< variables >

  public resultsLength = 0;

  public isLoadingResults = false;

  public isHttpError = false;

  public sError_Message = "Web Data error  or http request error";

  //</ variables >


  //--< mapping >--

  guidarticle!: number;

  guiduser!: String;

  article!: ArticleReadModel;

  dateedit!: Date;

  //--</ mapping >--


  ngOnInit() {

    //--------< ngOnInit() >--------

    this.route.params.subscribe(params => {

      //< get ID >

      //*get ID from URL like timerecords/1

      this.guidarticle = +params['id'];  // (+) converts string 'id' to a number


      //</ get ID >


      if (this.guidarticle > 0) {

        //< get Dataset >


        //</ get Dataset >


      else {

        //< new >

        //*empty fields

        //</ new >





    //--------</ ngOnInit() >--------



  edit_article(id: number){





  //====< functions >====

  load_DataSource() {

    //--------< load_DataSource() >--------

    //< check >

    if (this.guidarticle == 0) return;

    //</ check >


    this.isLoadingResults = true;




        switchMap(() => {

          this.isLoadingResults = true;

          let article=this.dataService.get_article(this.guidarticle);

          return article;


        catchError(() => {

          this.isLoadingResults = true;

          this.isHttpError = true;

          return observableOf([]);


      ).subscribe(response => {

        //--< async response >--

        this.article = response as ArticleReadModel;


        //console.log("response=" + response.toString());

        this.map_Data();  //*map json to local variables

        this.init_Data(); //*set title

        //--</ async response >--




    //--------</ load_DataSource() >--------



  map_Data() {

    //--------< map_Data() >--------

    //*map Recordset to local variables

    console.log("id=" + this.guidarticle);

    this.dateedit = new Date(this.article.dateedit);


    //< convert iso Date >

    //*convert Iso-Date-Time to Javascript Date: 2021-01-20T08:00:00

    //this.sDateEdit = this.get_Date_String_from_Date(this.dtEdit);

    //</ convert iso Date >


    //--------</ map_Data() >--------



  init_Data() {

    //--------< init_Data() >--------

    this.titleService.setTitle("👁 " + this.article?.title);

    //--------</ init_Data() >--------


  //--------</ Export_Component >-------
