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Berechnung Linac Quelle

28.09.2023 (👁5677)

The Linac Modulator.

Introduction Klystron

The Linac modulators are locally and remotely controlled pulse generators that supply high-voltage pulses and other AC and DC voltages and currents required for proper operation of highpower pulsed RF amplifiers

(2856-MHz klystrons).

≈ 270 kV; ≈ 270 A; ≈ 5 μs; AC Power = 30 p.p.s.

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Lambda/EMI 40-kV power supplies are used to charge PFN capacitors

E2V thyratrons act as closing switches

Pulse transformers (PTs) increase amplitude of the pulses by factor ≈ 15.3

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Dadurch ist der Abstand

Wenn das Stimmt, dann ist der Impuls mit 270kV*270 Ampere = 72 MWatt

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