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NZ function in SQL Server

17.05.2018 (👁10551)


Under Microsoft SQL Server, the Microsoft Access function NZ ([field], value-at-zero) can not be used.

Instead, you can use the ISNULL ([field], value-at-zero) function


As a Transact SQL command

UPDATE [dbo].[tbl_Notes]

 SET [sumViews] = ISNULL([sumViews],0)+1




The integer value SumViews was initially created with NULL, dbnull.

An Increase update with a SQL number increase would result in an error or result in NULL.


Test: Under SQL Server Management Studio, Query


Therefore the use of ISNULL (sumViews, 0) can be increased with +1 without problems.

If you let the script through once



the zero was increased as 0 + 1 directly on the SQL Server

with UPDATE [dbo]. [tbl_Notes]

  SET [sumViews] = ISNULL ([sumViews], 0) +1


Transact Script:

USE [readdy]



UPDATE [dbo].[tbl_Notes]

 SET [sumViews] = ISNULL([sumViews],0)+1