Readdy Write

SQL Server: Count Data grouped by date

17.05.2018 (๐Ÿ‘3418)

SQL Server: Data Counting grouped by date


The following SQL Transact Code example aggregates the total number of records in a day.

The number is counted up by the ID

SELECT   COUNT(IDViewLog) AS nViews,


And summarized above the day's date

GROUP BY CAST(dtView AS date)




/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS  ******/

SELECT   COUNT(IDViewLog) AS nViews, CAST(dtView AS date) as DateViews

FROM     tbl_Notes_View_Log

GROUP BY CAST(dtView AS date)





It is important that the actual date is stored as a time stamp with date time to millisecond

/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS  ******/

SELECT TOP (1000) [IDViewLog]




  FROM [readdy].[dbo].[tbl_Notes_View_Log]


IDViewLog    IDNote         IDUser         dtView

1        0        1        2018-02-26 11:45:50.997

2        0        1        2018-02-26 13:26:13.260

3        0        1        2018-02-26 13:29:44.320

4        0        1        2018-02-26 13:29:49.973

5        0        1        2018-02-26 13:29:50.487



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