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UWP example: WebSocket

26.06.2018 (👁6816)


# WebSocket sample

Shows how to send and receive data using the WebSocket classes in the [Windows.Networking.Sockets](



UTF8 example

This scenario uses a MessageWebSocket to send UTF-8 strings.

The sample server supports both plaintext WebSocket (ws: //) and secure WebSocket (wss: //) server endpoints.


Scenario2 Binary:

This scenario shows how to use a StreamWebSocket to send binary data.

The sample server supports Both plain text WebSocket (ws: //) and secure WebSocket (wss: //) server endpoints.


This scenario shows how to use a StreamWebSocket with a client certificate to connect to a server.

                The sample server (localhost) requires a secure WebSocket (wss: //) connection with a client certificate.

                The StreamWebSocket client certificate property behaves the same as the MessageWebSocket client certificate property.



This scenario uses a MessageWebSocket to send partial or complete messages.

                The sample server supports both plaintext WebSocket (ws: //) and secure WebSocket (wss: //) server endpoints.



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Windows.Networking.Sockets namespace

Provides sockets and WebSockets classes for use in network communication and classes for real-time network alerts received in the background for Windows Store apps.




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How to send and receive data using the WebSocket classes in the Windows.Networking.Sockets namespace.


The sample demonstrates the following:


Making a WebSocket connection, sending and receiving data, and closing the connection.

Handling both trusted (hard-coded) URI inputs and unvalidated (user-entered) URI inputs.

Accessing the server certificate information and performing custom validation (if needed) when using a secure Websocket (wss: //) endpoint.

Providing a custom client certificate when using a secure Websocket connection.