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Web Api Client-Server 20180704: Part 2) clsDB.cs

04.07.2018 (👁13162)


Platform: UWP Univesal Windows 10 Platform App

Sprache: C#



Enthält alle Aufgaben zur Datenbank mit SQLite

Aufbau der SQL-Connection

Erstellen der Tabellen und Datenbank auf Bedarf

Execute Command

Select Reader

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

//< add using >

using System.Data.SqlClient;    //*local DB

using System.Data;              //*ConnectionState, DataTable

using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;


//</ add using >



public static class clsDB


    //-------------------< Class: DB >-------------------


    public static SqliteConnection _sqlite_Connection = null;


    public static async Task<bool> db_Create_Tables()


        //--------< db_Create_Tables() >--------

        //SqliteEngine.UseWinSqlite3(); //Configuring library to use SDK version of SQLite

        SqliteConnection cn_connection = Get_Sqlite_Connection();

        String tableCommand = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " +

                "tbl_Details " +

                "( " +

                "[IDDetail] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " +

                "[IDProject_On_Server] INTEGER NULL ," +

                "[URL] NVARCHAR(500) NULL ," +

                "[Title] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, " +

                "[Text] NVARCHAR(10000) NULL,  " +

                "[Ort]    NVARCHAR(255) NULL, " +

                "[Bereiche] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, " +

                "[Gehalt] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, " +

                "[Art] NVARCHAR(255) NULL," +

                "[dtCreated] DATETIME NULL, " +

                "[dtListed] DATETIME NULL, " +

                "[dtScan] DATETIME NULL,   " +

                "[dtDeleted] DATETIME NULL" +



        SqliteCommand createTable = new SqliteCommand(tableCommand, cn_connection);



            await createTable.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


        catch (SqliteException ex)



            return false;



        tableCommand = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " +

        "tbl_Errors " +

        "( " +


        "[IDDetail] INTEGER NULL ," +

        "[URL] NVARCHAR(500) NULL ," +

        "[Title] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, " +

        "[dtError] DATETIME NULL" +



        createTable = new SqliteCommand(tableCommand, cn_connection);



            await createTable.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


        catch (SqliteException ex)



            return false;




        return true;


        //--------</ db_Create_Tables() >--------





    public static SqliteConnection Get_Sqlite_Connection()


        //--------< db_Get_Connection() >--------

        //< db oeffnen >

        //SqliteConnection cn_connection = new SqliteConnection(app_settings._sqlite_string);

        if (_sqlite_Connection == null) _sqlite_Connection = new SqliteConnection(app_settings._sqlite_string);

        if (_sqlite_Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) _sqlite_Connection.Open();

        //</ db oeffnen >


        //< output >

        return _sqlite_Connection;

        //</ output >

        //--------</ db_Get_Connection() >--------



    public static SqliteDataReader Get_DataReader(string SQL_Text)


        //--------< db_Get_DataTable() >--------

        SqliteConnection cn_connection = Get_Sqlite_Connection();


        //< get Table >

        SqliteCommand selectCommand = new SqliteCommand(SQL_Text, cn_connection);

        SqliteDataReader query;



            query = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();


        catch (SqliteException ex)



            return null;


        //</ get Table >


        //< output >

        return query;

        //</ output >

        //--------</ db_Get_DataTable() >--------



    public static async Task<string> Get_Value_as_String(string sField, string sTable, string sWhere)


        //--------< Get_Value_as_String() >--------


        string sReturn = "";

        string SQL_Text = "SELECT [" + sField + "] FROM " + sTable + " WHERE " + sWhere + " LIMIT 1";



        //< get Table >

        SqliteDataReader reader = Get_DataReader(SQL_Text);

        if (reader.HasRows)


            await reader.ReadAsync();

            sReturn = reader[sField].ToString();



        //< output >

        return sReturn;

        //</ output >

        //--------</ Get_Value_as_String() >--------




    public static async Task<bool> Execute_SQL(string SQL_Text)


        //--------< Execute_SQL() >--------

        //< check >

        SqliteConnection cn_connection = Get_Sqlite_Connection();

        cn_connection.DefaultTimeout = 1;

        //</ check >


        SqliteCommand cmdUpdate = new SqliteCommand(SQL_Text, cn_connection);

        cmdUpdate.CommandTimeout = 5;



            await cmdUpdate.ExecuteReaderAsync();

            return true;


        catch (SqliteException ex)



            return false;


        //</ update >

        //--------</ Execute_SQL() >--------



    public static void Close_DB_Connection()


        //--------< Close_DB_Connection() >--------

        //< db oeffnen >


        //</ db oeffnen >


        //--------</ Close_DB_Connection() >--------






    //-------------------</ Class: DB >-------------------


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