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Make HTML Table from Div Elements

05.07.2018 (👁9880)

Make HTML Table from Div Elements

04.07.2018 (👁19)


Under HTML5 one should not use any more HTML Table-Row-TD elements, since these would allegedly slow down the rendering.

But how do you get it when you want to arrange child elements in a row in a div container then in a row


The trick is the CSS style setting style = "display: flex; flex-direction: row"" width="909" height="276">


Bad situation:

This HTML construct contains a comprehensive div container: divTop, which is to arrange two child elements (divBreadcrumb and divNext) in a table.

As already seen above, the second div region is always arranged below the first div region.

<div id="divTop" class="divTop" style="height:40px;flex-flow:row">

    @*-----< Breadcrumb >-----*@

    <div id="divBreadcrumb" class="divBreadcrumb">

        <a id="btnUserNotes" class="btn path_link" title="User Notes" href="~/user/User_Page/@Model.Project.IDOwner">




    @*-----</ Breadcrumb >-----*@



    @*-----< Breadcrumb >-----*@

    <div id="divNext" class="" style="position:absolute;float:right;">

        <a class="lnkPrev" onclick="goto_Image_Left(-1)"> &#10094;</a>

        <a class="lnkNext" onclick="goto_Image_Right(1)">&#10095;</a>

        <a id="lnkGoto" class="path_link" title="Goto" href="">




    @*-----</ Breadcrumb >-----*@


@*-------< divTop >-------*@



The trick is to enter the parent HTML element with the display: flex and flex-direction: row styles


style="height:40px;display:flex;flex-direction:row"" width="909" height="317">" width="908" height="262">



Solved HTML CSS style problem

@*-------< divTop >-------*@

<div id="divTop" class="divTop" style="height:40px;display:flex;flex-direction:row">

    @*-----< Breadcrumb >-----*@

    <div id="divBreadcrumb" class="divBreadcrumb">

        <a id="btnUserNotes" class="btn path_link" title="User Notes" href="~/user/User_Page/@Model.Project.IDOwner">




    @*-----</ Breadcrumb >-----*@



    @*-----< Breadcrumb >-----*@

    <div id="divNext" class="" style="">

        <a class="lnkPrev" onclick="goto_Image_Left(-1)"> &#10094;</a>

        <a class="lnkNext" onclick="goto_Image_Right(1)">&#10095;</a>

        <a id="lnkGoto" class="path_link" title="Goto" href="">




    @*-----</ Breadcrumb >-----*@


@*-------< divTop >-------*@