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Solved: Reading Excel is very slow

30.10.2018 (👁30971)



Slow Excel

When reading Excel files from Word or other applications via the COM Interop access, the read-out is very slow.

It seems that every single evaluation of value or text from a cell takes so long.

Especially when using C # Interop Visual Studio Interop the very slow access is disadvantageous.



When accessing Excel externally, you should not use Excel Range to read Excel cell values, but transfer the entire reading range to an Object Array and read it out.



vsto interop access to excel files, excel sheet,

Reading Excel Range Cells Value



Slow Excel Access to Excel Cells with Range

//*slow Excel: 

Excel.Range usedRange = _worksheet.UsedRange;



Excel.Range cell = usedRange.Cells[1, iColumn] as Excel.Range;

String sValue = Convert.ToString(cell.Value2);



Quick reading of Excel with object array

//*fast Excel: 

object[,] values = usedRange.Value2;



string sValue = Convert.ToString(values[1, iColumn]);




Import Excel values ​​into a selection file



For the example, references to Excel and Windows Forms are needed

using System.Windows.Forms;

using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;




C # code example

Reading Excel values ​​from an Excel file, Excel sheet

Output of the values ​​into a data grid

File: frmExcel_Data.cs

using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

using System;


using System.Windows.Forms;

using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;



namespace addin_Excel


    public partial class frmExcel_Data : Form


        //< variables >

        private DataGridView _dataGridView;

        private Excel.Application _excel_App;

        private Excel.Worksheet _worksheet;

        private Excel.Workbook _workbook;


        Document _doc = null;

        Word.Application _app = null;

        //</ variables >


        //< leeres Delegate erstellen > 

        private delegate void DoEvents_EmptyDelegate();

        //</ leeres Delegate erstellen > 


        #region Region: Form

        //===================< Form >===================

        public frmExcel_Data()



            _dataGridView = dataGrid_Excel;

            _dataGridView.AllowUserToAddRows = false;

            _doc = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument;

            _app = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application;


        private void frmExcel_Data_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)


            DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;


            _worksheet = open_Excel_File();


            if (_worksheet == nullreturn;



            TimeSpan tsDauer = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStart);

            string sDauer = tsDauer.Milliseconds + " msek.";

            lblStatus.Text = sDauer;











        //===================</ Form >===================

        #endregion /Region: Form


        #region --Buttons--

        //===================< Buttons >===================

        private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)





        //===================</ Buttons >===================

        #endregion --/ Buttons--



        #region --Methods Excel--

        //===================< Methods Excel >===================

        public Excel.Worksheet open_Excel_File()


            //-----------------< open_Excel_File() >-----------------

            //< init >

            String sFilename = Settings1.Default.Excel_Filename;

            if (sFilename.IndexOf(":") < 0)


                string sWordPath = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Path;

                sFilename = sWordPath + "\\" + sFilename;


            //</ init >

            DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;

            lblStatus.Text = "opening excel file..";

            _excel_App = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

            lblStatus.Text = "file open. ";

            log_with_Date(lblStatus.Text, dtStart);


            lblLog.Text += lblStatus.Text;



                //----< open_Excel >----

                dtStart = DateTime.Now;

                _workbook = _excel_App.Workbooks.Open(sFilename, UpdateLinks: false, ReadOnly: true, AddToMru: false);

                lblStatus.Text = "open sheet ";

                log_with_Date(lblStatus.Text, dtStart);

                //----</ open_Excel >----

                return _workbook.Worksheets[Settings1.Default.Excel_Sheet]; ;


            catch (Exception ex)



                return null;


            //-----------------</ open_Excel_File() >-----------------



        public void read_Excel_File_into_DataGridView()


            //----------------< read_Excel_File_into_DataGridView() >------------


            //< init >

            DataGridView dataGridView = dataGrid_Excel;

            //</ init >


            DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;

            Excel.Range usedRange = _worksheet.UsedRange;

            log_with_Date("get UsedRange", dtStart);


            //*fast Excel-Read: 

            object[,] values = usedRange.Value2;


            int nColumnsMax = 0;

            if (usedRange.Rows.Count > 0)


                //----< Read_Header >----

                dtStart = DateTime.Now;

                for (int iColumn = 1; iColumn <= usedRange.Columns.Count; iColumn++)


                    //*slow Excel: 

                    //Excel.Range cell = usedRange.Cells[1, iColumn] as Excel.Range;

                    //String sValue = Convert.ToString(cell.Value2);


                    //*fast Excel: 

                    string sValue = Convert.ToString(values[1, iColumn]);



                    if (sValue == "" || sValue == nullbreak;

                    dataGridView.Columns.Add("column_" + iColumn, sValue);


                    nColumnsMax = iColumn;


                log_with_Date("HeadLines= " , dtStart);

                //----</ Read_Header >----


                //----< Read_DataRows >----

                dtStart = DateTime.Now;

                for (int iRow = 2; iRow <= usedRange.Rows.Count; iRow++)


                    lblStatus.Text = "row " + iRow + "/" + usedRange.Rows.Count;

                    //< add_Row >

                    int iNewRow = dataGridView.Rows.Add(new DataGridViewRow());

                    DataGridViewRow newRow = dataGridView.Rows[iNewRow];

                    //</ add_Row >


                    if (iRow > 20) break;


                    for (int iColumn = 1; iColumn <= nColumnsMax; iColumn++)


                        //--< Transfer Cells >--

                        //< read >


                        //*slow Excel: Excel.Range cell = usedRange.Cells[iRow, iColumn] as Excel.Range;

                        //*slow Excel: String sValue = Convert.ToString(cell.Value2);


                        //*fast Excel: 

                        string sValue = Convert.ToString(values[iRow, iColumn]);


                        if (iColumn == 1)


                            if (sValue == "" || sValue == null)


                                log_with_Date("rows= ", dtStart);

                                return// break;




                        //</ read >


                        //< write >

                        newRow.Cells[iColumn - 1].Value = sValue;

                        //</ write >

                        //--</ Transfer Cells > --




                log_with_Date("rows= ", dtStart);

                //----</ Read_DataRows >----




            //----------------</ read_Excel_File_into_DataGridView() >------------



        private void log_with_Date(string sText, DateTime dtStart)


            TimeSpan tsDauer = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStart);

            lblLog.Text += Environment.NewLine + sText + " " + tsDauer.Milliseconds + " msek.";



        //===================</ Methods >===================

        #endregion /Methods




        #region --Methods Word --

        //===================< Methods Word >===================

        private void replace_Serial_Fields()


            //-----------------< suche_Address_Felder() >-----------------


            //--< @Loop: SerialFields >--

            foreach (object varField in _doc.MailMerge.Fields)



                MailMergeField field = (MailMergeField) varField ;

                string sField_Content = field.Code.Text;

                int posField = sField_Content.IndexOf("MERGEFIELD ");

                if ( posField > -1) // MERGEFIELD SANr


                    //---< IsMail_Field >---

                    //< get fieldname >

                    posField = posField + "MERGEFIELD ".Length;

                    string sField = sField_Content.Substring(posField);

                    sField = sField.Trim();

                    //</ get fieldname >


                    //< get grid >

                    int intColumn = get_Column_with_Header(sField);

                    //</ get grid >




                        string sReplace = _dataGridView.Rows[1].Cells[intColumn].Value.ToString();


                        //< replace field >


                        _app.Selection.Text = sReplace;


                        //</ replace field >


                    //---</ IsMail_Field >---



            //--</ @Loop: SerialFields >--

            //-----------------</ suche_Address_Felder() >-----------------




        private int get_Column_with_Header(string sHeader)


            //-----------------< get_Column_with_Header() >-----------------

            //< init >

            DataGridView dataGridView = dataGrid_Excel;

            //</ init >


            //--< @Loop: SerialFields >--

            foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in dataGridView.Columns)


                if (col.HeaderText == sHeader) return col.Index;


            //--</ @Loop: SerialFields >--

            return -1;

            //-----------------</ get_Column_with_Header() >-----------------



        //===================</ Methods Word >===================

        #endregion /Methods Word 



        //DataGridViewColumn column = new DataGridViewColumn();

        //column.HeaderText = sValue;

        //column.CellTemplate = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();








Excel output form

File: frmExcel_Data.cs Design.cs code

Example: Excel reading in and out in a Forms DataGridView table

Design code not listed here.


Search references:

·       c # - Slow Performance When Reading Excel - Stack Overflow

·       Why is it so slow to read on Excel file with Powershell?       

·       vba - Slow reading from Excel

·       Excel Work Book - Read from C # substantially slow?

·       OleDb - slow reading from Excel

·       Microsoft Excel: Why your spreadsheet is so slow | PCWorld

·       c # - Excel slow reading - Code Review Stack Exchange

·       C # Read Excel Sheet Interop - Very slow reading - MSDN - Microsoft