Readdy Write

Series email with optional file attachment

27.01.2019 (๐Ÿ‘8133)


In the following Excel template, regular e-mails are sent via Outlook to all lines included in the following list.

Email attachments can be entered either at the top of the input via the button: Select,

Manual in C5.

In addition, an individual appendix is taken over in column E when one is entered into the line.


Excel template for sending series emails from a spreadsheet

The blue columns can be changed freely or supplemented to the right.

These can be exchanged as a place in the email text as [@Name] for the real name of the recipient.


In the sheet _ text you can enter a free text and provide it with [@Platzhaltern].



Subject serial emails, vba macro Excel template

The file is available for download on the website


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