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Arduino Code: Declare an Enum Type, a Variable and Compare it

06.05.2020 (👁7124)

Arduino Code: Declare an Enum Type, a Variable and Compare it


Arduino C Code-Sample

1. Declare an enum typdef

2. compare== the enum





Arduino C Code-Sample

1. Declare an enum typdef

2. compare== the enum


//declare enum Type

typedef enum {



  } enum_Test  ;

void setup() {


  Serial.println("Test Enum Enumaration in Ardino");


void loop() {

  //----< loop()>----

  //*create variable var1 of type enum enum_Test

  enum_Test var1=enum_var1;

  //*compare variable with enum-value



    Serial.println("Enum of type Operand== matched");


  //----</ loop()>----



zur Lösung von Arduino Compiler Fehlermeldung

exit status 1

no match for 'operator==' (operand types are 'String' and 'enum_SetCommands')

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