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React: Render with if statement HTML

26.02.2021 (๐Ÿ‘8451)

For status-related displays of HTML elements, you can either define an if ( range ) directly in the render() block or



this.state.ok === true && (

 //--< Buttons >--

 <Link href="/" onClick={this.onClickSubmit}>

  <Fab color="secondary" >

   <RemoveRedEye />




 //--</ Buttons >--



embed expressions in JSX

{ state-Wert mit && ( HTML ) }



At this.state.visible_Variable = true




At this.state.visible_Variable = false



Die State Variable sollte im Contructor definiert sein.

export class Edit extends Component {

    //--------< component: Article >--------

    //----< compontent >----

    baseURL = "/";

    constructor(props) {

        //-< react: parameter >


        //-</ react: parameter >

        //--< react: variables >--

        this.state = {

            idarticle: 0,

            iduser: "",

            title: "",

            textcontent: "",

            htmlcontent: "",

            folder: "",

            keywords: "",

            nimages: "",

            nvideos: "",

            nfiles: "",

            dtcreated: "",

            dtedit: "",

            loading: true,

            status: "",

            ok: false,


        this.onClickSubmit = this.onClickSubmit.bind(this); //for using this.function() in component



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