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Error: CS8073: The result of the expression is always false since a value of type ValueTask is never equal to null

04.02.2023 (👁3016)

Error: CS8073: The result of the expression is always false since a value of type ValueTask<model?> is never equal to null


Web api, Controller


Falscher Code, C#


        public async Task<ActionResult> Delete_Article(int id)


            var dbArticle= _dbContext.tbl_Articles.FindAsync(id);

            if (dbArticle == null) return BadRequest("Article ID not found");

            //*remove the item


            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();   

            return Ok(dbArticle);




Await in die Async Methode einbauen


        public async Task<ActionResult> Delete_Article(int id)


            var dbArticle= await _dbContext.tbl_Articles.FindAsync(id);

            if (dbArticle == null) return BadRequest("Article ID not found");

            //*remove the item


            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();   

            return Ok(dbArticle);


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