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How do you call the mainpage of a static class?

05.07.2018 (๐Ÿ‘5701)

How do you call the mainpage of a static class?

05.07.2018 (๐Ÿ‘7)



I want to access the main page in UWP from a common method in UWP.

How to reach or refer to the MainPage?


In the main page MainPage inserts a static reference to the current element

public static MainPage Current_Mainpage;

And activates this during initialization

Current_Mainpage = this;


C # Code of the MainPage page in C #


namespace app_Robot


    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page



public static MainPage Current_Mainpage;

public string Text_Log



    { return Textbox_Log.Text; }


    { Textbox_Log.Text = value; }



public MainPage()



    Current_Mainpage = this;


    optStop.IsChecked = false;


}" width="1022" height="624">



On the other pages of the application or even static classes, you can then refer to a simple reference to the current MainPage

        MainPage mainPage = MainPage.Current_Mainpage;

        string sText = mainPage.Text_Log;




Example: System message should be output on the current MainPage

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

//< using >

using Windows.UI.Popups;    //*MessageDialog

using app_Robot; //*MainPage

//</ using >


public static class clsSys


    public async static void show_Message(string sMessage)


        MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(sMessage, "Information");

        await dialog.ShowAsync();



    public static void fx_Log(string sLog)


        //------------< fx_Log() >------------

        //* log Text to Textbox


        MainPage mainPage = MainPage.Current_Mainpage;

        string sText = mainPage.Text_Log;

        sText = DateTime.Now + " " + sLog + Environment.NewLine + sText;

        if (sText.Length > 50000) { sText = sText.Substring(50000); }

        mainPage.Text_Log = sText;



        //< refresh > 


        //</ refresh > 

        //------------</ fx_Log() >------------


" width="1022" height="576">



MainPage output control

I want to output the text to the XAML TextBlock element

<TextBox x:Name="Textbox_Log"  Height="385" Margin="20,244,-317,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text=".." VerticalAlignment="Top"/>" width="1022" height="421">

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