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Android Java: Date

20.09.2018 (๐Ÿ‘2723)

Android Java: Date


Android Java: Date


How can I create a date and calculate the days of the week?


The current day can be obtained as a date variable with Date.

Date dtRow= new Date();


Format Date

A Date field can be output as string using the string formatting SimpleDateFormat

SimpleDateFormat fmtWeekday = new SimpleDateFormat("EE");
String weekday = fmtWeekday.format(dtRow);


If you want to be more complex with date, then you have to use the calendar.

To do this, create a calendar with Calendar.getInstance () and then assign a date to this calendar date.

If the date is assigned in the calendar, you can easily use Calendar.get (..) get the individual information about the calendar date.

//*as weekday_number
Calendar calendarDay=Calendar.getInstance();
int NrWeekday=calendarDay.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);//  fmtWeekdayNr.format(dtRow);




Code example from the Android year calendar project, school calendar

//-< Date >-
Date dtRow= clsHelper.getDate(2018,9,iDay);
//< weekday >
//*as string
SimpleDateFormat fmtWeekday = new SimpleDateFormat("EE");
String weekday = fmtWeekday.format(dtRow);
//</ weekday >

//*as weekday_number
Calendar calendarDay=Calendar.getInstance();
int NrWeekday=calendarDay.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);//  fmtWeekdayNr.format(dtRow);
//-</ Date >-


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