Readdy Write

Verhindern des Application Shut Down Asp Core SErver

13.05.2018 (👁6842)


Versuch 1:

Einstellung auf dem IIS Server ändern

Application Pools->Process Model ->Idle Time-out (minutes) ->0 =unendlich


Asp Core Server : Application shut down









Asp Core Server: Application is shutting down ...


A real problem with the Asp Core web server: the Kestrel Core web server always turns off after a few bugs

Application is shutting down ...


You can then start the web server again by hand on the console of the web computer that contains the IIS server.


Status: Open

Message at Stackoverflow and MVC group in Facebook: unsuccessful, no comment


Log file

Hosting environment: Production

Content root path: C:\_Daten\_web\Readdy

Now listening on: http://localhost:28072

Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update[10000]

..error1 ..error2 ..error3

Application is shutting down...




As you can see, the Asp.Net Core 2 application turns off every few hours due to an error.


Log Files Stdout: Kestrel Webserver asp.Net Core

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