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Javascript: Finish Submit Form

13.07.2018 (๐Ÿ‘4068)


How to stop a webpage startup form before transferring?






When I enter fields in an HTML website form, I'm running an onSumit function at the end.

However, after editing the method, a submit submit of the form is always automatically executed.

You have to interrupt the onsubmit somehow.



One enters in the onsubmit-function a false value.

This false value can be used as the return value of a javascript-function

onsubmit="return send_Search()"


In onsubmit enter a return false value

<form id="frmList"   style="display:inline-block" onsubmit="return send_Search()">

    <input id="tbxSearch" name="tbxSearch" value="@sSearch" style="width:200px;color:black">


    <input id="tbxOrt" name="tbxOrt" value="@sOrt" style="width:80px;color:black " />

    <button type="submit" value="send">Send</button>




The called function executes processes and ends the function with return false

    //< send >

    window.location.href = sURL;    //goto new URL

    return false;                   //stop send form

    //</ send >





Complete javascript funtion

//============< Layout >============

//*layout Menu, Search-Input and Footer


function send_Search() {

    //------< send_Search() >------

    var form = document.getElementById("frmSearch");

    var input_Search = document.getElementById("tbxSearch");

    var input_Ort = document.getElementById("tbxOrt");

    var sSearch = input_Search.value;

    var sOrt = input_Ort.value;


    var sURL = "/projects";

    var sQuery = "";

    if (sSearch != "") {

        sSearch = encodeURI(sSearch);   //for c#

        sQuery = sQuery + "&s=" + sSearch;



    if (sOrt != "") {

        sOrt = encodeURI(sOrt);

        sQuery = sQuery + "&o=" + sOrt;


    if (sQuery != "")


        sQuery = sQuery.substr(1);

        sURL = sURL + "?" + sQuery;




    //< send >

    window.location.href = sURL;    //goto new URL

    return false;                   //stop send form

    //</ send >

    //------</ send_Search() >------




//============</ Layout >============



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